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Neverland (Year 1)

Welcome to Neverland Class

Year 1

Our class teacher is Mrs Weir and our teaching assistant is Mrs Purdham.

Our school day starts at 8:45, the gate to the Reception playground will open at 8:35 and children can enter through the classroom door.  Children can be collected at the end of the school day from this door at 3:15pm.


Year 1 have PE every Wednesday afternoon in the hall.  Children will need to have a PE kit in a bag kept on their peg during the week. Their PE kits will stay in school over the half term. Please make sure that all items of clothing have names written clearly so it's easy to identify whose is whose!

Water Bottles

Everyday a child should bring in a water bottled filled with only water for them to have access to throughout the day, these are kept in the classroom. This will be filled up for them should they run out.


Year 1 snack- We have fruit that the children can choose from or you are welcome to send a HEALTHY snack in their book bags. This is kept in their trays until break time, where they will be able to eat it. A few examples of healthy snacks: preferred fruit, crackers, rice cakes, bread sticks, cheese snack (like a Babybel).

Here is an overview of what we plan to learn about this year.